Who came up with the idea of being able to decide whether a person is spiritually competant or not and that a certificate will prove they have passed someone else's criteria. What spiritual knowledge does this institute have that that it is in such a powerful position as to be able to certify someone as spiritually able to counsel. My experience of spirituality comes from life, inspiration and connection to our higher self. Will you tell me I cannot be a spiritual counsellor because I do not have a document. To me, spirituality is not an acaedemic pursuit. Of all the worlds spiritual role models, not one of them took a course in spiritual counselling. Is this now a legal requirement.
Asked by Reed - Leicester Submitted 4477 days ago
This course is about enriching one's life in an holistic sense and is in no way attempting to suggest that spirituality is a tpoic that one can be passed or failed on - it uses counselling skills within a spiritual context for those who may benefit from such reflection. Feel free not to register on the course - the course is only presented to those willing to enrol.